Shrines, Aquariums,Castles. And tons of arcades. We've basically experienced all the experiences and sights Osaka can offer. Because of that there isn't much to write about so I'll keep this short.
We'll be heading to Den-Den Town again to do some last minute window shopping while our laundry dries in our room. The drier is too small to do a good job (>_<)
Matt getting devoured by our laundry.
Daily Culture Oddities
Japan is a much different than Canada in their architecture. Tehre are basically two different styles of buildings. One is the modern western-styled buildings you find typically anyday back in Canada or the states. The other style is the traditional Japanese-styled buildings in similar style to the Shrines and Temples we've seen.
In cities such as Osaka which has a rich historical pass, it isn't uncommon to see the two styles side-by-side.
YAY~!!! Cheaping out on drying is good for your pockets =) Hopefully it all dries though. Otherwise, pack everything up in a plastic bag and continue drying it in Kyoto =P