Sunday 1 May 2011

The Epic Journey

We left at 2:05 Toronto time, and now we are here at Hotel Mikado arriving at 9:30 PM JST the next day. Eighteen-and-a-half hours, or thirty-one-and-a-half hours including the time difference.

This includes 2 plane rides, a bus ride, a subway trip, and asking several different Japanese people how to get where we're going. They were all very friendly and helpful, explaining to us as best they can in English, and one man even walked us to our destination. Arigatou gozaimasu nippon.
At the airport, we bought a few choice items, a strange-but-tasty snack called Pretz, and some authentic Japanese green tea. Its taste was surprising, as it was very different from any other tea I've tried, even "Japanese" labelled green teas; I'm still wrapping my head around that.

We broke our first bills, and received change. Two interesting things about yen coins: there is a 500 yen coin (equivalent to $5 bill, smallest bill is 1000 yen); the 50 yen coin has a hole in the middle - for some reason this is incredibly interesting to me.

Matt on the Bus.
Colin at Pearson.

Bramwell on subway.

Our room in Hotel Mikado is a 4-bed, the three of us, plus a girl from the UK named Rachel , who is just finishing a tour of five cities of Japan; today is her first and last day with us.

Possibly more pics to follow, we may take more tonight, as it is only 9:15 at time of writing this, and we may stay up a bit later in order to shake off jet lag.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin,

    Glad to see you arrived safe and sound. Very happy to see the pics you are taking. I see the camera is working well. So you have discovered Pretz, what about other food? How was your first meal in Japan? Hope you are catching up on your sleep. Enjoy Osaka. Looking forward to hearing more about your epic journey.
