We managed to get there without getting lost and took some pictures. We also got to see what we think was a wedding going on (we did not get any pictures of this).
Today's daily vending machine picture.
Colin and Bram at the entrance of the shrine. (These tiger statues are boss.)
Cleansing out hands before entering the shrine. We had to cross this ridiculously steep bridge to get to the shrine.
There were small shrines located all over. The entire place was really big especially considering it is in the middle of the city.
Sign of the day. "Ah! Watch out for the waves!:
Picture outside of our hostel. Bramwell also bought a lemon drink that had an ultraman monster on it!
A delicious and healthy lunch of melon bread.
There are more pictures, but I did not want to upload all of them. The Sumiyoshi Shrine was really nice. We prayed at one of the many shrines and got our fortunes. Colin will be posting some more pictures as well as all of our fortunes.
We will be going to Den Den Town in the afternoon!
What is the guy saying on the melon bread? Translate plz!