Monday 15 May 2017

Solemn Respect

Good morning from Fukuoka! This would be Day 16 of our journey in Japan. As you may have read, yesterday we all decided to do a day trip to Nagasaki. Those who have followed our previous trips would know that we had visited the city during our second trip. There we paid our respects at the Nagasaki Peace Park and the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb museum.

Like Hiroshima, Nagasaki was one of the two cities in history that got an atomic bomb dropped on it. And like Hiroshima, the entire city was devastated by the bomb. In the many years after the city rebuilt itself and is now one of the major cities in the country.

Like our previous trip to Nagasaki, the Atomic Bomb museum gave off a solemn reminder of the suffering and effects caused by the Bomb. While the museum has a melancholic effect on us it also makes us hope for a time when atomic weapons are all disposed of.

Following the museum, we went to visit the Peace Park where "that guy" resided. Upon arrival we were greeted by large groups of students where were holding a peace presentation at the statue. It looked like they had rehearsed the presentation to pay respect to those who had died and suffered from the Bomb.

With the Park and Museum done, we decided to go on to do some happier things so we went to visit the city's shopping area. There we found a small restaurant that served Italian food. It served as a nice light lunch and was pretty tasty. We ended up doing our usual geeky thing and visited the local Animate and Tsutaya stores. While I am sure the city offered many other attractions and landmarks,
we were all hoping to just head back to the apartment. The train ride from Fukuoka to Nagasaki isn't too bad but it was still 2 hours. At this point Matt, Cristian and Ambernay split off from us as they had decided to stay a night in Nagasaki, while the rest of us journeyed back to Fukuoka. Today is essentially a free day for all of us. So I'm going to do a bit of exploring and much delayed shopping.

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