Wednesday 10 May 2017

One night in kyoto

Edit: photos will come later, wrote this on my phone

After traveling 3 hours westward on the shinkensen bullet train, I have finally reunited with my band of fellow adventurers. Will I say that I missed them? Yes but I won't admit it in their presence.

But being in the company of siblings had it's appealing as well and I hope for a safe and pleasant trip for them as they trek through Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Now let me continue with our adventures of late, suffice to say not much has happened. Atleast with me. As the trip to Kyoto took 3 hours, by the time I arrived at the Airbnb it was already 5pm, and seeing how it was raining, I decided to let give up on my last chance of visiting Inari Shrine on this trip. I'll just have to wait till next time.

Matt was kind enough to come meet up with me when I arrived at Kyoto station. He had apparently decided not to go to Nara with the others and instead stuck around and explore Kyoto by himself. After finding him, he lead the way to our lodging.

The Airbnb was exceptionally nice (what can I say? I'm good at picking them). The house was bigger than the one in Tokyo and it had all the necessary houseware that we needed. But the problem was that the house itself was old despite the modern interior. As result noise travelled extremely well to our neighbors. Which meant the gang couldn't have any awesome house parties.

The group reassembled soon after Matt and I arrived. With us reunited again, the great arose. What should we have for dinner?

Matt, Christian and I (aka the carnivores) opted to venture ourselves in search of some sustenance. We eventually found ourselves at a restaurant that served the prized kobe beef. But seeing it's price tag and seeing how the two had already ate the real thing, we all chose the more reasonable but still excellent wagyu beef instead.

And with that (and a random detour to Most Burger) my night in Kyoto came to an end. It was brief but time in Kyoto this trip was still good.

Today we will be traveling to the one destination we all been looking forward to, Amagase and the Tensui Ryokan.

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