Tuesday 2 May 2017

So Stylish~

After indulging in our inner child, we decided to to grow up and be ever so stylish. Yesterday we decided to go to hit up the various districts scattered throughout Tokyo.

First one was hitting up Shibuya and Yoyogi Park.

Yoyogi park is host to Meiji Shrine which was constructed in dedication to the deceased Emperor Meiji and his wife.

The shrine was relatively busy as these two days had special ceremonies conducted as part of the Golden Week holidays. Unfortunately the morning ceremonies had just finished by the time we arrived but I was able to atleast snap a photo of the head priests and miko.

With the park behind us, we wandered through the popular shopping arcade nearby, Takeshita Street.

Outside of the arcade were many international stores and brandnames you can find throughout the world, including Adidas, Puma, Gap and etc.

With lunch coming up and our park walk behind us, we were feeling a bit hungry so we decided to eat the most MANLY thing possible, little tiny sweet crepes

 While the main streets were lined with major brand name stores, Takeshita Street itself was filled with smaller independent stores that catered to more alternative cultures

Despite the respite the sweet Manly crepes gave us, we were feeling the pangs of hunger again as such we decided to split up and find some lunch.

Cristian, Matt and I hunted for some famous Miyazaki Chicken in the famous Shibuya district.
I was able to grab some photos of the Shibuya Crossing

The restaurant we went to was called Kuruma and was known to serve Miyazaki chicken.

With our bellies filled, we regrouped and decide to abandon the attempt to be hip and stylish and go back to our geeky roots. We took a preview walk through Nakano Broadway to kill some time before dinner

 Since it was only the start of our trip, we decided not to shop too much

At this point my phone had died and I was not able to photograph our excellent dinner. But Matt was able to save the day and was able to get pictures of well designed food. But before I forget, we had gone to the Dragon Quest Pub

Today will be our last day of Tokyo Part 1 together, and we decided to head out to try and hunt down the different goals we each have. See you soon!

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